I am an Aries Sun, Taurus Moon & Sagittarius Rising.

I am a Life Path Master Number 33.

I am a Generator 5/1 Profile.

I have always felt intuitively called & drawn to Astrology. Interpreting the complexity of layers in a birth chart is one of the greatest skills I’ve acquired on my path of self discovery.

Understanding the depths of my birth chart allows me to feel grounded in my soul essence & my evolving path. Interpreting the charts of loved ones enables me a deeper understanding & appreciation of others in relationships. Astrology is the key to acceptance & surrendering into the energetic flows of the universe.

I have completed Level III of Danielle Paige’s Astrology Mystery School. I’ve worked as a mentor to hundreds of her Level I students. I’ve studied Numerology under Kaitlyn Kaerhart. 

I am a Reiki Practitioner. I’ve trained in Biofield Tuning using tuning forks to rebalance the energy field.

I am inspired by Danielle Paige, Pam Gregory, Jan Spiller, Alyson Charles Storey, Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Lynn V Andrews, Sylvia Browne & Ram Dass – among many others.

Danielle Sabbe

My intention is to assist you in remembering your divine authentic self in order to step into your power, embody your highest potential & live your soul purpose.

Danielle Sabbe Align & Embody Astrology Reiki Biofield Tuning Birth Chart Readings Squamish Vancouver Whistler British Columbia BC

“My experience with Danielle was incredible. The level of detailed information and the deep resonance I felt with the reading was exactly what I was hoping for. Danielle has a passion for astrology that’s infectious! I’d highly recommend working with Danielle. She’s sparked a new interest in astrology for me and I’m excited to learn more”

~ Lauren

“My experience with Danielle was very professional. From the first email back, I felt a lot of trust and found Danielle's communication style to be both ease-full and precise. This translated to the reading and our session, everything was well laid out and expectations clearly managed. I'm still working with elements of my reading and will continue to do so, likely for the remainder of my days.”

~ Alexander

"I had heard that Danielle was amazing. After our session, I was in tears. I can't believe she knew everything she shared with me. It was a clear reflection of what I’ve been experiencing in my life. It feels moving & reassuring to know. I'm so happy that I decided to sit in session with her."

~ John