Navigating your soul’s evolutionary journey


Astrology is the study of the energetic movements of the universe. It recognizes that planets & stars vibrate at specific frequencies & create a woven interconnection with everyone & everything on earth.

There is a divine order to the unfolding of the universe. It is organized chaos & synchronicity. The rhythm & pattern of celestial bodies deeply influences human behaviour. Natal & transiting energy will guide the cycles of your life. The choice to flow with or resist them is your own free will.

Astrology & Numerology

“As above, so below.

As within, so without.

As the universe, so the soul.”

- Hermes Trismegistus

What is your Birth Chart?

Your birth chart is a snapshot of all the planets & stars in the sky at the exact moment you entered this lifetime. It is your soul’s blueprint & the map of your personal evolutionary journey in this lifetime.

You are far more complex than your sun sign. You are flavoured by every planet & star sign across various areas of your life. A birth chart will reveal your personality, money, career, purpose, love, relationships, karma, biggest life lessons, greatest challenges & the soul’s path of growth.

Your birth chart is constantly evolving. It is affected by universal shifts activating you & creating change. Reading your birth chart is a soul remembering. Are you ready to have a look?